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Stinging Insect Control; What Attracts Wasps My Yard, House, Playhouse Building etc in Bridgeton, NJ

While there is a lot of talk about saving the bee population to keep humanity safe, wasps are a whole other problem. They are much more aggressive and seem to be taking over every BBQ you may have during the warmer months of the year. There are some attractants that you may have on your property and need to get rid of to stop attracting these aggressive stinging insects to your property. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about what is attracting all the wasps to your property and what you need to do to avoid them in the future.

What Do Hornets & Paper Wasps Eat

Where you find wasps will greatly depend on the time of theyear that you see them in certain areas. Unlike bees, wasps don’t just searchfor fragrant flowers and sugary foods. During the spring and summer months,they will be looking for protein based foods. This would include other insects,meats that are left out after a BBQ and even the meat you throw away in yourgarbage throughout the week. During the fall months leading up to the winter,they will be searching for sweeter foods. If you have fruit trees, they willdefinitely be attracted to them during the harvest season.

How to Keep Wasps from Building Nests

If wasps are finding an excellent food source on yourproperty, they will also be looking for the perfect place to build their nest.The queen will be looking for cracks and holes in your homes structure thatwill allow her to keep her colony safe and protected from weather. If you haveany broken panels on your home or cracks and holes in siding, these areasshould be repaired to avoid queen wasps from trying to hibernate there when theweather starts to cool off. If there are any holes in your lawn or low lyingareas, they should be filled in because wasps will also take advantage of theseareas as well to build their home in a burrow.

Wasps & Hornets Living Under Decks

One of the best places for wasps to find a place to buildtheir nest is around your deck. If there are cracks and crevices that waspskeep building their nests in on your deck, fill in these gaps to avoid theproblem in the future.

Plants that Attract & Repel Wasps

Fragrant flowers are always going to attract wasps. Thereare several plants that will actually repel wasps though. You should considerplanting spearmint, thyme, citronella, eucalyptus or wormwood which do a greatjob at keeping wasps away.

Stinging Insect Control

If you find that you have wasps all over your property, you may want to get some help in getting rid of them. At Ross Environmental Solutions, we have the training and expertise needed to get rid of wasps safely from your property. Many people have an allergy to wasp stings and so the job is better left to the professionals. Call us today!

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