Why Am I Suddenly Getting Ants in My House in Brigantine, NJ? Food, Water & Shelter Attracts Ant Pests!
When homeowners are dealing with ants in or around their house, they usually want to do whatever it takes to get rid of them. Understanding what could be attracting ants to your home in the first place is a great place to start. This can help you not only get rid of the ants that you have, but also avoid any ants in the future. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about three things that might be attracting ants to your house, so you can get rid of them once and for all.
What Type of Food Attracts Ants the Most?
The number one thing that ants find in your home and are attracted to is food. They like to consume many of the same foods that you do. If you have food that is starchy, sticky and sweet, you will more than likely have an ant infestation if they have access to it. Ants will be able to find any food that is left out or isn’t cleaned up right away. For instance, if you see that there is a multitude of crumbs in the bottom of your pantry, you might want to get it cleaned up as soon as possible as it can attract ants to your house in a hurry. You should also avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight as this can also attract ants to your home.
Why Does Water Attract Ants?
The next thing on the list is going to be a water source. Ants are creatures that have to have water to survive. This means that they are going to be looking for water that is easily accessible. If you have standing water anywhere outside or inside of your home, it will surely attract ants as well as many other types of pests. Any leaking pipes found in your home need to be fixed as soon as possible or you could end up with a big ant problem.
Shelter Attracts Ants from Backyard
The last thing that ants will be looking for is shelter from the elements. Your home definitely offers that. Ants can gain access into your home through the smallest of cracks and holes too. It is important that you inspect and seal up your home so that you can avoid any ant infestations that could occur. This is especially important as we start to notice that the temperature cools this fall. Make sure you’re not inviting ants into your home through any cracks or holes in and around the doors and windows of your home.
Ant Infestation Control
If you have noticed that there are a great deal of ants on your property, it’s time to turn to the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them once and for all. We will ensure you don’t have ants infesting your home with our professional pest control services. It is our goal to keep your home pest free. Call us today!