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How Quickly Can an Infestation of Carpenter Ants Damage a Home in Atlantic City, NJ?

There are several ant species that can invade your home. One ant species can be a big problem though. Carpenter ants are different from other ants because they can cause damage to your home that can be a costly problem to fix. This is why it is so important to understand what these pests look like and the signs that they leave behind when they make their way into your home. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about carpenter ants and what you need to do to ensure they don’t ruin your home.

Damage Caused by Carpenter Ants

If you have never dealt with carpenter ants, you might not realize what the damage they cause looks like. When carpenter ants look for somewhere to build a nest, they will be looking for ideal wood conditions. This is because they hollow out wood to build a place for their colony to thrive. They don’t actually eat wood like termites do. This means that the damage they cause is much slower, but it can still be destructive if you don’t catch it in the beginning stages. They can affect the structural integrity of your home if left unnoticed.

Signs You Have a Carpenter Ant Infestation in Your Home

There are going to be several signs of carpenter ant activity if you have them in your home. Here is what you should be looking for:
– Sawdust or wood fragments around cracks or openings in the walls of your home
– Trailing ants in your home
– Holes in the walls
– Leaking pipes and ants present
– Rustling noises behind your walls
– Hollow sounding wood

How to Keep Carpenter Ants Away from Your House

If you are concerned about carpenter ants in your home, there are several things you can do to help keep them away.
– Avoid water damage anywhere in your home.
– Trim back branches that are coming in contact with the roof or any other part of your house.
– Store firewood at least 25 feet away from any part of your house.
– Remove any dead tree stumps from your property.
– Fill any cracks or gaps on the outside of the home.
– Call pest control at the first sign of carpenter ants in your house.

How Long Does It Take for Carpenter Ant Damage to Appear

It depends on the size of the carpenter ant colony when determining how fast damage can happen to your home. If the colony is large enough, you might notice damage start to become a problem just a few short months after they build a nest in your home.

Ant Pest Control

If you have noticed signs of carpenter ants in your home or on your property, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to get the problem under control. We will ensure your home is safe from the damage caused by carpenter ants. Call us today!

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