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How to Store Food to Prevent Pests in Sewell, NJ; Bug Proof Pantry with Airtight Containers & More

Struggling to keep pests at bay in the summer months is never easy. They can be pesky and difficult to get rid of once they have made their way into your house. This is why it is so much better to prevent the problem rather than fight to fix it. Most of the time, pests are trying to get into your home because they are in search of two things, food and water. Storing your food properly is essential in keeping pests out of your home and dealing with food contamination. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to offer some food storage tips that will hopefully help you keep pests away from your kitchen.

How Do You Keep Bugs Out of Food Containers?

If you have food that isn’t being stored correctly, you are going to run into problems with pests. There are several pests like cockroaches, ants, weevils, and beetles that will thrive when they have access to a food source in your kitchen. Here are some tips to help keep this problem under control.
– Store in Airtight Containers: The first tip is to make sure you’re removing pantry food from the containers that it comes in and putting it in airtight containers. A tight-fitting lid will help keep pests out of your pantry goods. When you keep the food in its original packaging, you run the risk of food contamination as well as food spoilage. It is worth the extra time it takes to remove the food from its original packaging and put it in airtight containers.
– Keep Kitchen Clean: You need to make sure that any spills that happen in your kitchen are cleaned up as soon as you notice them. Crumbs and sticky spills are a magnet for a pest problem. Keeping a tidy kitchen will help you avoid a pest problem.
– Rotate Your Food: You should avoid leaving food in the back of your pantry for a long period of time. Make sure that you’re rotating the food on your shelves to avoid the food spoiling and pests like weevils and beetles infesting the food. When you come up with an organization process that rotates your food, you won’t have these issues.
– Don’t Forget Pet Food: Pests don’t only like the food you eat either. They will be after any pet food that you have in your home and aren’t storing properly. You should store your pet food like you do your food. You want it in airtight containers to keep pests from becoming a problem.

Year Round Pest Management

If you’re struggling with a pest issue that you can’t get control of, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of any pests that are infiltrating your home. We will effectively eliminate any problems that you’re experiencing with pests so that you don’t have to worry about problems like food contamination. Call us today!

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