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What Repels Squirrels in the Attic in Absecon, NJ? Sealing Wildlife Entry Points & More

Squirrels are some of the cutest little critters to ever walk the earth. While this may be true, they get a lot less adorable when they make their nests in your attic and take over your home. There are many problems that can come by squirrels taking up shop in your attic without you even knowing it. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips that will help you avoid squirrels in your attic and the damage that follows.

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Attic

There are several things that you can do to be proactive in the battle against squirrels and your home. Following are some helpful tips to keep your home protected.
– Trim Back Trees Away from House: The first thing you can do to ensure that squirrels don’t take over your attic is to keep the trees that they would normally live in trimmed back away from your home. They should be at least 10 feet away from your home to avoid a squirrel jumping onto your roof.
– Inspect Outside of Home: You need to take a close look at the outside of your home for any places that a squirrel could squeeze through and gain access to your attic. They can fit through any opening about the size of an adult fist.
– Check Inside of Attic: If you don’t find any openings on the outside of your home, it may be easier to climb up into your attic to look for any light that may be peeking through any holes they could climb through.
– Seal Wildlife Entrances: The most common place that squirrels crawl through to get into your attic is through the attic vents. You should cover all of these openings, including any openings that allow wires and pipes into your home with hardware cloth. This is easy to find at your local hardware store and can be easily installed using staples and a staple gun. The cloth should extend 2 inches beyond the edge of the hole in all directions.
– Check Chimneys for Squirrel Nests & Damage: Chimneys are also a place that squirrels like to build their nests. This can cause problems when you go to use your fireplace when the weather cools off. You should check for gaps in the flashing around your chimney and consider purchasing a cover that makes it nearly impossible for the squirrel to get into your chimney.

Wildlife Removal

If you are in the middle of a battle with a family of squirrels, it can be a frustrating game of cat and mouse. If you don’t know how to trap them and get rid of them effectively as well as implement exclusion tactics, you are unlikely to get rid of the problem anytime soon. At Ross Environmental Solutions, we can help you get rid of these destructive wildlife before they cause significant damage to your home. Call us today!

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