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How Do You Tell if You have a Bed Bug Infestation in Mount Laurel, NJ? Bites, Bloodstains & More

The last thing that anyone wants to find out they have is a bed bug infestation. This is often associated with being dirty and not keeping your home clean. However, it is important to know that a bed bug infestation can happen to anyone. All it takes is one trip to a hotel or resort that is infested with bed bugs, and bam, you could come home with them. You need to know what the signs are so that you can get rid of any bed bugs that you may have as soon as you notice them. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to point out some of the most common signs of a bed bug infestation.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

If you are unfortunate enough to have bed bugs, you will know you have them by the presence of the following signs:
– Bed Bug Bites: The first thing that most people notice if they have a bed bug infestation is the presence of bites. The bites are small and red. They can often be quite itchy as well. Much of the time, the bites will be in a zig zag pattern on the skin. Common places that people get bitten includes the arms, legs, face, neck and any other exposed skin while sleeping.
– Bloodstains: When you are getting bitten by bed bugs, it will cause you to bleed. This will leave you with small blood stains on your sheets. They often appeal in small smears or splotches. They are commonly seen on the sheets, pillowcases, and even blankets. The bloodstains might look like rust colored spots as the blood dries.
– Bed Bug Fecal Marks: Another sign of bed bugs is fecal marks on your bedding. This usually looks like small black dots on the bed sheets. The spots can also look like brown spots.
– Musty Odors: As a bed bug infestation gets larger and larger, it can cause your room to start smelling musty. Bed bug pheromones are often the contributors that can the musty odor you might be smelling.
– Bed Bug Shell Casings: As bed bugs mature, they go through several life cycle changes. As this happens, they often shed some of the casings that used to be their old bodies. These casings can often be found in the bed when you have a bed bug infestation.
– Bed Bugs: And lastly, bed bugs themselves might be spotted if you have an infestation that is large enough. You might be able to spot them if you move your mattress and look underneath it, or if you look behind the headboard. They will be finding hiding places during daylight hours.

Bed Bug Inspections & Control

If you are struggling with a bed bug infestation, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them. We will make sure your home is free from bed bugs and you are able to get to a peaceful night’s sleep again. Call us today!

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