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Wasp Facts & Myths in Burlington, NJ; What is the Best Pain Relief for a Wasp Sting & More?

Wasps are one of the most feared insects out there, and for good reason. These aggressive pests pose a danger to anyone in their path. There are a lot of myths out there about wasps though. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to debunk these myths and explain why they aren’t true.

Does Baking Soda Offer Relief for Wasp Stings?

The act of applying a baking soda paste on a bee sting is completely effective. However, bee stings and wasp stings are two different things. Bee venom is made up of acidic compounds and the baking soda works to neutralize them. Wasp stings aren’t. They have alkaline compounds in their venom and baking soda will do nothing to offer relief.

Are People who are Allergic to Bee Venom Also Allergic to Wasp Venom?

Like mentioned above, bee venom and wasp venom and two very different things. Being made up of different compounds means that they affect people differently. For the most part, if someone is allergic to bee venom, they aren’t allergic to wasp venom and vice versa. Hardly ever is someone allergic to both venoms.

Does a Copper Penny Offer Relief for a Wasp Sting?

This myth is a silly one. Of course putting a penny on your wasp sting isn’t going to do anything to offer relief. There are a few things you can do to ease the redness and swelling though. Here are a couple tried and true methods.
• Wash the area with a mild soap and water to remove venom.
• A cold rag or ice will help with swelling and pain.
• Over the counter ibuprofen or Tylenol to ease mild pain.
• It the sting is itching, calamine lotion is helpful.
In most cases where allergies aren’t present, symptoms of a wasp sting go away about 24 hours later.

Does a Wasp Diet Consist of Sugary Foods?

While you may noticed wasps swarming around your soda or melted popsicle at a BBQ, this isn’t the only thing they like to eat. During the spring season especially, wasps will be looking for protein. They feed off of other insects. Believe it or not, you want to see wasps swarming around in your garden as they prey on other harmful insects. They do enjoy some sugary foods, but they also eat a decent amount of protein.

Do I Need to Get Rid of Flowers to Keep Wasps Away?

While you may notice wasps around your garden area, don’t be fooled. They are likely not there for the flowers, but the insects on or near the flowers. Getting rid of the flowers would do nothing to get rid of the wasps.

Stinging Insect Control

If you find wasps on your property, it is important that you don’t try to get rid of them on their own. Wasps are incredibly aggressive and if you disturb their nest in an attempt to get rid of it, they will attack. You can count on the pest experts at Ross Environmental Solutions to get rid of any wasp problem you may have. Call us today!

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