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Is There a Difference Between a Wasp & a Hornet in Mount Holly, NJ? Which is More Aggressive?

There aren’t many people that want anything to do with stinging insects. While honeybees can be quite docile, wasps and hornets are incredibly aggressive and will guard their territory at all costs. There is also the fact that wasps and hornets can sting a person over and over again whenever they feel that they are threatened. When it comes to hornets and wasps, you might be wondering if there is actually a difference between the two of them. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about what the differences are between wasps and hornets.

What is the Difference Between a Wasp & Hornet?

A hornet is actually a type of wasp. Hornets are a social species of wasp from the Vespidae family of Hymenoptera wasps specifically, whereas wasps are a more diverse group of insects from the Hymenoptera family that includes paper wasps, yellow jackets and hornets. Following are some of the physical differences between hornets and other wasps:
– Color: Hornets are almost always going to have bodies that are a combination of black and yellow. Sometimes, they can have a reddish brown hue. Wasps come in a number of different colors though. They can be completely black, brown, black and yellow, or even metallic shades of green and blue.
– Body: The body of hornets and other wasps are different as well. Hornets have a thicker and more elongated body than wasps with a large head. Hornets also have a distinct waist. Other wasps are generally slender and elongated with a narrow waist. They have much smaller heads than hornets as well.
– Legs & Wings: The wings on hornets are much large than other wasps. This allows them to fly much faster and with precision. They have shorter legs though. This allows hornets to squeeze their bodies through tighter spaces. Other wasps, with their longer legs are excellent climbers and crawlers. Their smaller wings make them limited in flight though. This has an impact on how both of these insects do their hunting.

Are Hornets More Aggressive than Other Wasps?

While hornets and other wasps are much more aggressive than any type of bee, you might be wondering if hornets are the most aggressive type of wasp. Hornets, by and large, are more aggressive than other wasps are. They are fast flyers, and they will defend their nests at all costs. Hornets also have the ability to make a unique buzzing noise that can be heard from several feet away. All wasps can all sting more than one when they feel they are threatened, and some will actually chase you down. If you see hornets and other wasps, it is best to simply keep your distance.

Stinging Insect Control & Removal

If you have noticed there are a large number of hornets and wasps around your property, you can rely on Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them safely. There is a serious danger in removing them yourself since they have the ability to sting over and over again. Call us today!

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