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Is it Normal to have Mice in Your House During Fall & Winter in Atlantic City, NJ?

When the weather takes a turn for the cold, you know that mice are going to come with it. Now is the time to make sure your home is safeguarded against any mouse infestation that could come with the colder weather. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about you can do now to prepare and prevent mice invading your house as the temperatures continue to drop.

What is the Most Effective Mouse Deterrent?

For many homeowners, the first thing they do when they see any signs of mice is to grab the poison or the traps. While this might seem logical, there are better ways to do it. Preventing mice in the first place is much more effective. Following are some tips to help you get your property ready so that you aren’t dealing with a mouse infestation this fall and winter.
– Seal Your Home: If there are any cracks or holes around your home, it is a good time to seal them up. A mouse only needs an opening the size of a dime to squeeze their way into your house. You should pay close attention to the areas where the utilities or plumbing enters your home. If there are any holes or rips in screens, make sure you’re taking care of them as well.
– Food Storage: The way that you store your food is important. Even if your food is seemingly closed up in the packages that it came in, mice can gnaw their way through it and cause a big mess not to mention contaminating it. Storing your food, pet food, and birdseed in plastic containers is the best way to keep it from attracting mice to your home.
– Declutter: If you have space in your basement, attic, or garage that is filled with clutter, this is the perfect time to get rid of it. Mice are going to try and make their homes in places where there is a great deal of belongings packed closely together.
– Clean Up the Yard: Another thing that you should do to get ready for the winter and avoid mice is to clean up your yard. Get rid of any debris that could create shelter for mice. If you have firewood, consider stacking it away from the home to avoid a mouse infestation.
– Clean Out Gutters: It is important that you keep your gutters cleaned out because they can also be a place that mice will find inviting for nesting.

Rodent Exclusion & Control

If you are struggling to keep rodents out of your home, you can turn to the pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to help. We will ensure your home is a mouse and rat free zone this fall and winter. Call us today!

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