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What Triggers a Wasp to Sting in Cherry Hills, NJ & How Do I Keep Wasps Away from My Yard?

One of the worst things that you can experience as far as pests go this summer is a wasp sting. They hurt. For most people, that’s why they will do just about anything they can to get away from them when they get close. However, there are some things that you can do to help make yourself less likely to get stung by these dangerous pests this summer. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share our best tips to help you avoid a wasp sting this summer.

How to Make Sure Wasps Don’t Sting You

Following are some of our best tips to avoid getting stung by a wasp this summer:
– Stay Calm: When you come close to a wasp or hear it buzzing around your head, the normal reaction might be to swing your arms and swat it away. This is the worst thing that you can do as wasps will feel threatened when this happens. It is vital that you stay calm and collected. This is easier said than done, for sure. However, when you calmly sit and wait, they will move on when they realize you have nothing to offer them. If you are waiting to move them along a bit quicker, you can try gently blowing in their direction. It works like a charm.
– Avoid Floral Scents: If you prefer floral or woody scents, you might want to put them away for the season. These sweet smelling scents will attract unwanted pests like wasps as well. These scents mimic flowers which they are highly attracted to.
– Avoid Bright Clothes: Bright colors are a summertime trademark. However, these bright colors often look a lot like a flower to wasps. Try wearing neutrals if they are swarming around you every time you step outside.

What Keeps Wasps Away Permanently?

The best thing you can do to keep wasps off your property is to inspect it often. At the first sight of wasp activity, you need to call your pest control specialist to assist you. You should be looking for wasp nests that are usually found in the eaves and other crevices of your property. They usually look for places that offer shelter to keep their nests safe. Destroying these nests on your own might lead to unwanted stings as they are being threatened and will become aggressive. You should also avoid leaving any food out that will attract them. They are highly attracted to high protein foods as well as sugary, sticky foods. Make sure you clean up after your BBQ to avoid wasps.

Stinging Insect Control

If you have a wasp problem, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them. We know how to safely remove any wasps from your property so that you don’t have to worry about getting a painful sting. Call us today!

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