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Why Do Wasps Get Aggressive in Late Summer & Early Fall in Pleasantville, NJ? Lack of Wasp Food & More

Wasps are a pest that commonly torments people throughout the summer. They are known to have ruined plenty of outdoor gatherings with friends and family. However, you might have also noticed that they are becoming more and more of a problem the further we get into summer. If this is the case for you, you might be wondering what in the world could be happening to cause it. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about why wasps are always a larger problem in the late summer and early fall when compared to the spring season.

Why Am I Getting So Many Wasps this Time of Year?

When it comes to wasps and the increase activity during the late summer and early fall, there is factual evidence that explains it all. Following are some of the most common reasons why wasps are increasingly becoming a problem as summer trails on:
– Wasp Population: One of the biggest reasons you will notice that wasps are pesky more during the late summer is the fact that the colony has reached peak season by the time summer is coming to an end. In the spring the queen is responsible for building up the colony from scratch. At this point in the summer season, there will be a large number of wasps that are all competing for resources.
– Lack of Food: Another problem is that there isn’t enough food to keep the large wasps population satisfied at the end of the year. There are usually more flowers during the spring and early summer as well as more insects to keep these wasps satisfied. This is why when you have an outdoor gathering, wasps might seem like they are attacking the food that you’re eating. Wasps eat protein as well as nectar, and that’s why you see them circling around the meat that you’re eating just as much as the soda you’re drinking.
– Change in Wasp Diet: While wasps will eat a heavy diet of protein at the beginning of the summer. That is going to slow down toward the end of the summer. They are going to eat a diet that is filled with carbohydrates more than protein as the summer winds down. They are going to be seeking out nectar as well as any sugary drink or melting popsicle on your back patio. This is why it is so important to keep these things put away unless you’re actively drinking or eating.

Stinging Insect Control

If you have noticed a large number of wasps in your backyard that seem to be interrupting all of your outdoor gatherings, you can turn to the pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them. We want our customers to be safe from the painful stings that wasps can cause. We will make sure that you can enjoy the last bit of summer without worrying about getting stung. Call us today!

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