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Why Do Wasps Like My Deck in Woodbury, NJ & How Do I Keep Stinging Insects Away?

There are several places on your property that might appeal to wasps for the ideal place to build their nests. However, some places are more common than others. The space underneath the deck in your backyard is an area that wasps will be especially drawn to. This happens for a number of different reasons. Knowing why they are drawn to that place can help you avoid them in the first place. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about why wasps are drawn to your deck and what you can do about it.

Different Types of Wasp Nests Under Decks

There are usually two different types of wasp nests that are commonly built underneath decks; in ground nests and aerial nests. Aerial nests are the gray, papery nests that you normally see hanging from different places throughout your yard. Nests in the ground are ones that you are probably less familiar with. There are certain wasps such as yellow jackets that are prone to building nests in the ground as they feel this is the safest place to be.

Reasons Why Your Deck Appeals to Wasps

If you have wasps building nests underneath your deck, it is because of one or all of the following reasons:
– Protection: Many wasps will feel like the space under your deck offers them the protection they need. They are often looking for a place that goes undisturbed and is also kept safe from high winds and rain. Your deck checks those boxes.
– Food: Wasps are also drawn to the food that is likely frequently found on your deck. If you have gatherings often during the summer, you are more than likely serving foods that wasps will want to eat as well as your guests.
– Holes: The space under your deck is probably home to more than just wasps. There are several animals that will find that area a good place to build a home. Wasps that build nests in the ground will usually use holes that are already there from other animals.

How to Keep Wasps Away from Your Deck

There are a few things you can do to keep wasps from building nests under the deck.
– Clean up any food after having a backyard gathering. Especially foods that are sugary, sticky, or high in protein.
– Fill in any holes that have been home to other animals under your deck.
– Use a leaf blower and regularly blow out under the deck to make it seem less safe.
– Don’t store your trash cans near your deck.

Stinging Insect Control

If you have a wasp problem under your deck or anywhere else on your property, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get the problem under control. It is dangerous to remove these nests on your own as wasps are incredibly aggressive. We have the training and tools necessary to safely get rid of any wasp problem you have. Call us today!

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